I’m a philosopher of mind, AI and cognitive sciences. Currently I’m a post-doc researcher at FAJE (Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy and Theology) in Brazil. I hold a MA and a PhD in Philosophy of Cognition and Artificial Intelligence from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).

I’m a member of the REDD research group (Democracy and Disinformation Studies Network) and the Cognition, Language, Enactivism and Affectivity (CLEA) research group.

My current research interests are philosophy of mind, science (particularly AI and cognitive sciences), epistemology, computation and ethics (specially privacy and AI).

Before digging into philosophy, I was a software developer and server administrator (working mostly with infosec) for about 17 years. Nowadays, I remain active as a FOSS enthusiast who loves contributing open-source projects with both code, beta testing and feedback. That’s why you’ll find Dev stuff here as well.


You can reach me by e-mail.

In case you’re one of those privacy/security freaks (like me), here’s my PGP public-key and its fingerprint:

3703 B0D6 22FF 6A52 FE04 F60A 0BCF CD2A EC25 4F41